Section: New Results

Vascular Imaging and Arterial Spin Labelling

Robust Cerebral Blood Flow Map Estimation in Arterial Spin Labeling

Participants : Camille Maumet, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

Non-invasive measurement of Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) is now feasible thanks to the introduction of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) techniques. To date, the low signal-to-noise ratio of ASL gives us no option but to repeat the acquisition in order to accumulate enough data to get a reliable signal. Perfusion signal is usually extracted by averaging across the repetitions. However, due to its zero breakdown point, the sample mean is very sensitive to outliers. A single outlier can thus have strong detrimental effects on the sample mean estimate. In this paper, we propose to estimate robust ASL CBF maps by means of M-estimators to overcome the deleterious effects of outliers. The behavior of this method is compared to z-score thresholding as recommended in [8]. validation on simulated and real data is provided. Quantitative validation is undertaken by measuring the correlation with the most widespread technique to measure perfusion with MRI: Dynamic Susceptibility weighted Contrast (DSC) [37] .

A comprehensive framework for the detection of individual brain perfusion abnormalities using Arterial Spin Labeling

Participants : Camille Maumet, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) enables measuring cerebral blood flow in MRI without injection of a contrast agent. Perfusion measured by ASL carries relevant information for patients suffering from pathologies associated with singular perfusion patterns. However, to date, individual identification of abnormal perfusion patterns in ASL usually relies on visual inspection or manual delineation of regions of interest. In this paper, we introduce a new framework to automatically outline patterns of abnormal perfusion in individual patients by means of an ASL template. We compare two models of normal perfusion and assess the quality of detections comparing an a contrario approach to the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) [33] , [35] , [36] .

Using Negative Signal in Mono-TI Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling to Outline Pathological Increases in Arterial Transit Times

Participants : Camille Maumet, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot.

The presence of unexpected negative perfusion estimates has been sparsely discussed in the ASL literature. In the study of perfusion maps extracted from a single inversion time in ASL (mono-TI ASL), it is however common to deal with areas of significant negative signal. This is problematic since performing statistical analysis based on this data might therefore lead to inacurrate results. Though isolated negative values could be attributed to noise, clusters of significant negative signal should be explained by another phenomenon. Following [2], which outlined that negative values might arise due to increased transit times, we investigated this hypothesis based on real clinical datasets including healthy control and patient data [34] .

An a contrario approach for the detection of activated brain areas in fMRI

Participants : Camille Maumet, Pierre Maurel, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Christian Barillot.

BOLD functional MRI (fMRI) is now a widespread imaging technique to study task-related activity in the brain. However, getting the areas of activation at the individual subject level is still an open issue. The standard massively univariate statistical analysis is usually performed after smoothing the data and makes use of a single p-value for final thresholding of the results. In group fMRI studies, the need for compensation of cross-subjects misregistrations clearly justifies the smoothing. However, at the individual level, where neat delineations of the activated areas are of interest, the use of gaussian smoothing as a pre-processing step is more questionable. In this paper, we propose to study the ability of an a contrario approach, recently adapted for basal perfusion abnormalities detection, to correctly detect areas of functional activity.

Compressive Matched Filter for Cerebral Blood Flow Quantification with ASL: sampling diversity or repetition?

Participants : Lei Yu, Pierre Maurel, Christian Barillot.

The Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is an MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)-based perfusion technique which uses the magnetically tagged water as a freely diffusible tracer to measure perfusion non-invasively. This blood water is first labeled with a radio-frequency pulse in the neck of the patient. After a delay, called Inversion Time (TI), which allows the labeled blood to arrive in the brain, a labeled image of the brain is acquired. A control image is also acquired without labeling and the CBF (Cerebral Brain Flow) estimation is done on the difference between the control and labeled image. Classical method, Mono-TI, for CBF quantification is averaging repetitions with only one Inversion Time (TI) - the time delay between labeling and acquisition to allow the labeled blood to arrive the imaging slice. It improves the robustness to noise, however, cannot compensate the variety of Arterial Arrival Time (AAT).

In this work [45] , Diverse-TI is proposed to exploit different TI sampling instants (sampling diversity) to improve the robustness to variety of AAT and simultaneously average repetitions with each TI (sampling repetitions) to improve the robustness to noise. Generally, the sampling diversity is relatively small and can be considered as compressed measurements, thus the Compressive Matched Filter (CMF) enlightened from sparsity is exploited to directly reconstruct CBF and AAT directly from compressed measurements. Meanwhile, regarding the CBF quantification performance, the compromise between the sampling repetition and sampling diversity is discussed and the empirical protocol to determine the sampling diversity is proposed.

The future works will consist in applying the parameter design protocol to guide the Diverse-TI technique in real ASL data acquisitions. Meanwhile, it is possible to extend CMF algorithm by considering additional priors to regularize the CBF estimation problem which might also improve the performance.

This work was done in collaboration with Remi Gribonval (Metiss team) [45] .

Non-contrast enhanced neurovascular imaging

Participants : Elise Bannier, Hélène Raoult, Jean-Yves Gauvrit.

Detecting internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis is a main challenge for the prevention of stroke, the third leading cause of death in the developed world. Novel non-contrast-enhanced MRA (NCE MRA) sequences have emerged as an alternative to traditional MRA approaches, especially for patients during pregnancy or with renal insufficiency.

Up to now, the inversion-prepared bSSFP NCE MRA approach has been applied to imaging of renal arteries or kidney transplants and only few studies focused on the ICA, using ECG-gating. The purpose of this first study was to assess the feasibility and image quality of an improved non-gated carotid NATIVE TrueFISP NCE MRA sequence providing an extended field of view as compared to Time-of-Flight (TOF) imaging. Sixteen healthy volunteers were included to evaluate different sequence parameter sets. In comparison to standard TOF, the used NCE MRA sequence offered equivalent to higher image quality along with larger coverage and shorter acquisition times. Improved image quality was achieved without ECG gating, which had been used in previous studies. A Partial Fourier scheme with an early acquisition of k-space center yielded higher image quality and signal intensity compared to a late acquisition.

A second study evaluated the non-contrast-enhanced ECG-gated 4D MRA combining arterial spin labeling (ASL) and bSSFP readout (bSSFP NCE 4D MRA) sequence to non invasively investigate morphological and hemodynamic patterns of cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVM). Previous studies have shown high temporal resolution (50-100 ms), yet with temporal windows limited to a single cardiac cycle. This precludes the complete venous drainage analysis, which is necessary to evaluate AVM hemorrhagic risk. This study aimed at assessing the feasibility, quality and diagnosis performance of a bSSFP NCE 4D MRA sequence with a large acquisition time window over 2 cardiac cycles (2 RR) without a significant reduction of spatial resolution. Ten patients presenting AVM and referred to digital subtraction angiography (DSA) were included in the study. The 2-RR bSSFP NCE 4D MRA sequence yielded an image quality comparable to that of a corresponding 1-RR acquisition. AVM analysis, however, was improved due to a better depiction of venous drainage necessary to evaluate hemorrhagic risk. The simultaneous high-resolution morphologic and hemodynamic data also offered an especially accurate delineation of the nidus, target of the treatment.

ASLDEM : Arterial Spin Labeling At 3t In Semantic Dementia: Perfusion Abnormalities Detection And Comparison With Fdg-pet

Participants : Isabelle Corouge, Jean-Christophe Ferré, Elise Bannier, Christian Barillot, Jean-Yves Gauvrit.

Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a non invasive perfusion imaging technique which has shown great diagnosis potential in dementia. However, it has never been applied to semantic dementia (SD), a rare subtype of frontotemporal lobar degeneration characterized by the gradual loss of conceptual knowledge, which is actually explored by a now well established marker of SD: 18 fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) imaging. Although ASL and FDG-PET respectively measure perfusion and metabolism, they have been shown to be strongly correlated. In this project, we explore the ability of ASL to detect perfusion abnormalities in SD in comparison with FDG-PET. We apply our analysis framework (implemented as part of the 'autoasl' and 'autoasltemplate' softwares) on patients and healthy subjects data from an ongoing clinical study with a focus on ASL data preprocessing and statistical analysis at the individual and group level. Preliminary results yield concordant observations between ASL and FDG-PET as well as expected hypoperfusions in SD, namely in the left temporal lobe, thus suggesting the potential of ASL to assess perfusion impairments in SD [29] .

For this work, Aurore Esquevin was awarded the prize "Communication Jeune Chercheur 2012" at the "Journées Françaises de Radiologie (JFR)" conference.